Friday, 15 August 2014

Skip TestNG test based on a condition

Sometimes you might want to skip tests based on a condition. Following snippet shows a simple way to do it by throwing a testngSkipException. This integrates seamlessly with test reports and skipped tests are counted displayed correctly in it.

Custom logger for TestNG

Another small post on TestNG custom logger. I have a TestNG test suite that runs for hours doing through integration tests. Now at the end of the test run I can see testNG reports and see what failed and what passed, however I get no response during the test run as to if all tests are failing due to some configuration issue or its a normal test run. This is happening due to a fact that its basically only 1 test with DataProvider providing different test parameters. If you have separate tests then yes you will get messages for each test.

Anyhow I wanted a custom TestNG logger which logs a message that I understand at the end of each test and here is a way to do so.

Extend TestListenerAdapter class and override a few methods.

Add a custom Listener to your testng xml config:

and wola I get the much needed indication on the std out:

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Increase JBehave story timeout

Small post on how to increase the default story timeout in JBehave. This might be required if you have a long running story as I have with many Steps/Examples etc and you see error message similar to following:

Story my.story duration of 301 seconds has exceeded timeout of 300 seconds



The solution is the increase the story timeout in your maven config (default is 300s). Note this will only take effect when you run integration-tests via mvn command and not when you run the stories via Eclipse/IntelliJ which will bypass your pom.xml and other maven config.

Full pom.xml with timeout setting can be found here:

Relevant portion below: